How does education and gender impact work

How Education and Gender Impact Work – Part 1


“Philosophy is a field of study in which people question and create theories about the nature of reality. It includes diverse subfields such as aesthetics, epistemology, ontology, ethics, logic, metaphysics, and law. Philosophers concern themselves with such fundamental and mysterious topics as whether or not God(s) exist, what is the nature of being and the universe, and what makes actions right or wrong. The fundamental method of western Philosophy is the use of reasoning to evaluate arguments.” [1]

It is based on this premise that we continue with the tradition of arguing ‘How education and gender impact work’.

We provide a foundation for our arguments by defining the key terms in this topic. Further, we will propose arguments to support our position, and substantiate these with philosophical support, from philosophers who are key authorities in their field of study.


“Education is the process by which an individual is encouraged and enabled to fully develop his or her potential; it may also serve the purpose of equipping the individual with what is necessary to be a productive member of society. Through teaching and learning the individual acquires and develops knowledge and skills.”[2]

These skills and knowledge are utilized by the individual throughout life-long activities.

According to the Online Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind, education is not directly defined; however, it is referenced as knowledge and further categorized under the term epistemology.

How does Education and Gender impact on work?

How does Education and Gender impact work?

Epistemology is thereby defined as ‘a major branch of Philosophy that concerns the forms, nature, and preconditions of knowledge’. Education is a function of the State and is conducted, primarily at least, for the ends of the State. Education is preparation for some worthy activity (Davidson, 1900).

“Education is the method in which society informs and transforms new generations into productive and active members. In today’s modern world, opportunities for advancement often depend on skills and knowledge acquired through schooling. Without an education, persons will have difficulties finding and maintaining employment, as they lack not only the knowledge to perform tasks, but the skills to think critically and efficiently adapt to their environment. Every student is different, with his or her own strengths and weaknesses. Though schools focus on academia, social issues are also taught. The education system is used as a conduit for political and social ideas, giving students the opportunity to realize who they are and what they plan on doing with their lives. Education allows students to explore their interests in the hope that they will one day contribute to the benefit of humankind. It is this benefit to mankind that is exercised through the medium, which is work.” [3]

The goal of education is to aid every individual to achieve their unique potential that they may make their unique contribution to society (Garrison, 2005). This contribution is often transmitted through work.


According to Wikipedia (2021), the word gender describes the state of being male, female, or neither.

Gender has both practical and academic importance in many fields. Gender, and particularly the role of women, is widely recognized as vitally important to international development issues. This often means a focus on gender-equality, ensuring participation, but includes an understanding of the different roles and expectations of the genders within the community.

There are different levels of thinking about gender and the way that sociologists approach the concept … through role and status and power, is markedly different from one in which being male or female is regarded as a shifting, confused and partial category. [4]


There are various classifications for work. It may be categorized as ‘…work (thermodynamics), manual labor, or work (project management).’ [5]

For our purpose, we will define work as the effort applied to produce a deliverable or accomplish a task.

… continue reading How Education and Gender Impact Work – Part 2.



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