How to Stop Gambling Sites From Popping Up

Gambling is very entertaining and addictive.

When you step into a casino the environment is designed in such a way to make you comfortable, relaxed, and unaware of the passing of time.

Lotteries keep you addicted to the cheapness of the ticket.

The elements of gambling have been bottled and brought to your computer screen in the modern and technological era. With the advances of technology, comes easier access to gaming websites.

The thrills that are experienced from these sites keep people coming back and hooked on the euphoric feeling they get from online Gambling.

One of the ways Gambling websites attract users is by pop-up advertising.

These sites have contractual agreements with other websites to display their advertising content.

This helps to market their business to millions of users who visit that website. Pop-up advertising usually comes up when the user just lands on the website page or does some action on that page. Oftentimes, multiple pages are brought up.

Pop-ups are annoying. Usually, they open at the most inopportune time, often causing the machine to slow down its processing excessively or maybe crash; due to the sometimes many windows opening. They are so distracting and unwelcome that browser developers have designed a way to block or prevent them from popping up. Browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari have settings to prevent unwanted windows from popping open.

To enable the pop-up blocker on the Internet Explorer browser you may follow these steps for a desktop or laptop computer with a Microsoft Windows operating system.

  • You should move your mouse down to the start button which is at the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.
  • Click on the left mouse button to open the program menu.
  • From the list of programs click and select Internet Explorer.
  • When the Internet Explorer window has loaded, scroll up to the top of the screen and locate the Tools menu.
  • Hover over the tools option, the menu will open and you will be able to select the pop-up blocker option.
  • Click on the option to turn on the pop-up blocker.
  • After you have done this, click ok.
  • Not only are your Gambling pop-ups blocked, but all unwanted windows will not be able to pop open.

The instructions to block pop-ups on the Macintosh machine is a little different.

Move your mouse icon to the dock where the Safari icon is located. Click on the Safari icon and the program will open.

Once the program is fully open and functioning, go to the top of the screen and click on the Safari menu. From the options list, select or click the block pop-up window option. This method will prevent any pop-up windows from opening on your Mac computer.



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Copyright © 2021, Denise N. Fyffe

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