Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man

Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man, Tricks are for kids

By: Denise N. Fyffe.
Copyright © 2012, Poetess Defy, Denise N. Fyffe

Steve Harvey, thank you for penning the holy grail of how men really are in Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man; you simply confirmed what a woman’s intuition already knew. However, women tend to get distracted by their emotions and this automatically causes them to ignore some warning signs that are present at the onset of an encounter, relationship or dalliance.

Relationships can be tricky and they are so because one party decides not play by the rules, but rather decide to set their own. Someone asked, if in a world of 7 billion people, why is it so difficult for us to find love? It’s because, half that population is playing games when the other half are broken hearted and jaded, as a result. Therefore, the cycle will repeat itself because someone will always be looking to execute revenge on the opposite sex or develop emotional issues that handicap or prevent them giving their best performance in a relationship.

Tricks are for kids and in a man’s world, there is no room for boys. So, if you find a lady or a man that wants to settle down; treat them right. Else, we might need signs on our heads to show who is gaming and who wants to settle down. Or we all will be buying Steve Harvey’s book, Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man.

2 thoughts on “Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man, Tricks are for kids

  1. DaPoet says:

    After watching how my first stepmother manipulated my father into getting away with abusing me; the summer I turned 13 I vowed that if I ever did get married it would only be once and that I’d never curse my
    son with a stepmother. After thirty years of marriage to the same woman and having watched first hand the games many if not most woman play I won’t be looking for another relationship if this one ends.


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